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Securities Law

Scenario: Your client’s customer information was hacked. How do you advise on appropriate procedures, disclosure responsibilities, potential liability and more?

A large public retail client is seeking counsel since a hacker was able to access customer information. Where do you start when tasked with understanding the company’s disclosure responsibilities, advising on appropriate procedures and potential liability, and understanding how the company should try to prevent future breaches? Now that Westlaw Canada is fully integrated with Practical Law Canada, one search is all you need to find answers.

See how all these tools work together in this Use Case Video (2:40)

How to handle a cybersecurity breach with Thomson Reuters (2:40)

How to handle a cybersecurity breach with Thomson Reuters

As a knowledge management lawyer, I regularly receive glowing feedback about Practical Law Canada. [..] My own experience with Practical Law has been extensive, going back before they launched in Canada. The resources are top notch, they are kept up to date and the editors are enthusiastic and eager to learn what the Canadian market needs and wants so they can make the product successful.

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