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KeyCite Overruling Risk

Know that you are citing good law

Know that you are citing good law with KeyCite Overruling Risk

KeyCite Overruling Risk is the only citator that warns when a point of law in a case has been implicitly undermined based on its reliance on an overruled or otherwise invalid prior decision. This additional layer of protection means you can be confident you are citing good law. 

  • Leverage state-of-the-art technology to identify bad law, even when there are no direct citations calling the law into question
  • Avoid manually reviewing cases to determine if they cite an implicitly overruled point of law
  • Easily get information on the overruling and overruled cases

What is implicitly invalidated case law?

Traditional citators identify when a case has been explicitly invalidated by a subsequent ruling. However, they don’t warn when similar cases may have also been implicitly overruled or undermined by subsequent developments in the law.

KeyCite Overruling Risk, available exclusively on Westlaw Edge Canada, marks cases with an orange icon when there are no direct citations pointing to their invalidity.

See how it works

Avoid wasted effort

KeyCite Overruling Risk warns when a point of law in a case has been implicitly undermined based on its reliance on an overruled or otherwise invalid prior decision.  Instead of reading through a long list of authorities to find that a decision relies on an overruled point of law, be alerted to this information up front.

Be confident that you’re relying on good law

The paragraphs that are most at risk of being overruled are flagged, providing you with an extra layer of confidence that you are citing good law.

KeyCite warnings on Westlaw Edge Canada

KeyCite warnings, including the Overruling Risk icon, will appear throughout your research so you can see at a glance the status of a document, making it simple to determine whether further investigation is needed.

Red flag

Yellow flag

Overruling risk icon

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